Make a "Gods Eye" decoration and a friendship bracelet, who will you give yours to?
Activities suitable for KS1 up, older students can develop design ideas and make more complex pieces.
Make a "Gods Eye" decoration and a friendship bracelet, who will you give yours to?
Activities suitable for KS1 up, older students can develop design ideas and make more complex pieces.
Time to get felting! You can find "wool tops" for felting in most crafts shops, or you can speak to your local sheep farmer!
Read moreLearn how to make festive wreaths, door hangings, tree decorations and much more using natural materials.
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Countryside Classroom
c/o LEAF Education
Linking Environment And Farming
Stoneleigh Park
Warwickshire, CV8 2LG
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 02476413911
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Registered Charity Number 1045781